TMN Places at National Conference


Truman Media Network earned 10th place for best website at the Fall National College Media Convention’s Best of Show competition in Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 29-Nov. 2.

TMN competed in the four-year, 15,000 students or fewer category. The website is maintained by Rahul Chaudhari, digital director. TMN members Madison Backes, Sydney Ellison, Grace Potter, Mark Fisher and Toby Parker attended the convention, as well as Don Krause, Index advisor.

The convention brought student journalists from across the country to attend sessions taught by professional journalists, designers, editors and photographers.

“I enjoyed networking with other students and professionals in the industry and learning how to improve my journalism back home,” said Backes, 88.7 KTRM station manager.

The convention had keynote speeches from; Charles M. Blow, New York Times columnist; M. Alexis Scott, former vice president of The Atlanta Daily World; Ernie Suggs, journalist and film producer; and George Chidi, freelance journalist.

“I really liked being around a bunch of people who have the same goals, and it was very inspiring to see how much other people have done,” said Potter, news editor.
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