Baldwin Lecture to Examine Future of Education

Alan Guskin, Distinguished Professor, Ph.D. Program in Leadership and Change, and University President Emeritus at Antioch University, will speak Oct. 1 as part of the 2009 Baldwin Lecture. Dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. and Guskin’s presentation will start at 7 p.m.

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Alan Guskin

During the lecture, “The Courage to Change: Higher Education Facing 21st Century Realities,” Guskin will discuss why the future requires a transformation in how students learn, how teachers instruct and how universities operate. Guskin will address fiscal difficulties currently experienced by institutions of higher learning. Colleges and universities have realized the financial difficulties are not short term and cannot be solved though actions used previously. Guskin will discuss how the fiscal model that worked in the last century is not sustainable in the 21st Century and how students, parents and the American society will not have the resources to deal with increasing educational expenses unless institutions innovate to become more effective. Increased efficiency, Guskin will argue, will help fulfill the dream of Americans to have access to higher education, enhance student learning and maintain the quality of work-life for faculty and staff.

Tickets to the Baldwin Dinner are $8 and may be paid by check. Please return payment to the Center for Teaching and Learning in Pickler Memorial Library 205 by Sept. 24. Emeriti and new faculty may receive complimentary tickets with an RSVP to

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