Study Abroad Office Contest Offers Prizes
The Study Abroad Office is hosting a photo/video/blog contest. Students who studied abroad last fall, spring or summer and are currently enrolled are eligible.
Photo Contest
The categories are: “The Artistic Eye,” “Abroad Selfie” and “The World as Your Classroom.” Participants may enter a maximum of three photos for every category.
Video Contest
Videos should be one to three minutes in length. Students can use videos taken while abroad or a new one documenting their experience in retrospect.
Blog Contest
Students can send in their blog links to share their personal abroad stories with everyone.
Entries can be emailed to and should include name, semester and country where the student studied abroad. Submissions will be accepted through Oct. 31. Prizes are $15-40 Truman gift cards. For more information about the contest, email or stop by the Study Abroad Office located in Baldwin Hall 106.

Photo Contest
The categories are: “The Artistic Eye,” “Abroad Selfie” and “The World as Your Classroom.” Participants may enter a maximum of three photos for every category.
Video Contest
Videos should be one to three minutes in length. Students can use videos taken while abroad or a new one documenting their experience in retrospect.
Blog Contest
Students can send in their blog links to share their personal abroad stories with everyone.
Entries can be emailed to and should include name, semester and country where the student studied abroad. Submissions will be accepted through Oct. 31. Prizes are $15-40 Truman gift cards. For more information about the contest, email or stop by the Study Abroad Office located in Baldwin Hall 106.