University Art Gallery Exhibit Explores Arts and Crafts Movement

“The Legend of Good Women,” from the Kelmscott Chaucer, 1869, Kelmscott Press, designed by William Morris and illustrated by Edward Burnes-Jones, Pickler Memorial Library Special Collections and Museums.
A new exhibit, “Handcrafted Rebellion: The Arts and Crafts Movement,” is currently on display in the Charlyn Gallery located in Ophelia Parrish 1114.
A new exhibit, “Handcrafted Rebellion: The Arts and Crafts Movement,” is currently on display in the Charlyn Gallery located in Ophelia Parrish 1114.
The exhibition was researched and curated by students in museum studies courses using works from the Pickler Memorial Library Special Collections and Museums. It features late 19th- and early 20th-century objects from the arts and crafts movement and explores how the movement endeavored to create items that were both beautiful and utilitarian in opposition to growing industrial production. Highlights include an original leaflet from a Kelmscott Press Chaucer, design work from William Morris and ceramics from the Rookwood Pottery in Cincinnati.
A reception with refreshments will take place from 3-4 p.m. April 21 as part of the Student Research Conference. The exhibition will be on display through April 29. All exhibitions are free and open to the public.