SAB Events Calendar
Robert Pattinson Movie Series: “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”
8 p.m.
April 10
Second movie in the Robert Pattinson Movie Series. Feel free to bring snacks and a blanket. Masks are required for all attendees and social distancing will be enforced. Rain location will be in Student Union Building Georgian Rooms.
8 p.m.
April 10
Second movie in the Robert Pattinson Movie Series. Feel free to bring snacks and a blanket. Masks are required for all attendees and social distancing will be enforced. Rain location will be in Student Union Building Georgian Rooms.
Masters and Mini Golf
12-5 p.m. April 11
All You Can Sing Karaoke
5:30-8 p.m.
April 13
Bring your friends and a blanket to watch or participate in this karaoke event. Mocktails will also be available. Social distancing will be enforced.
5:30-8 p.m.
April 13
Bring your friends and a blanket to watch or participate in this karaoke event. Mocktails will also be available. Social distancing will be enforced.
A Bird's Eye View: Tree Climbing
12-5:30 p.m. April 15
Robert Pattinson Movie Series: “Twilight”
8:30 p.m.
April 17
Homecoming parking lot
Last movie in the Robert Pattinson Movie Series. This film will be shown in the parking lot at the corner of Patterson and Franklin similar to a drive-in theater.
8:30 p.m.
April 17
Homecoming parking lot
Last movie in the Robert Pattinson Movie Series. This film will be shown in the parking lot at the corner of Patterson and Franklin similar to a drive-in theater.
High Flying Adventure
7-10 p.m. April 19-20
Hot air balloon rides at the South field located at the corner Franklin and LaHarpe streets. Sign ups are required to ride in the balloons.
The Final Blowout
April 21-23
Wednesday's theme is amusement park, Thursday's theme is the wild west and Friday's theme is beach day. Other attractions include hypnotist comedian John McVicar, multiple carnival games and a surfing machine. More information can be found @trumansab on social media and at
April 21-23
Wednesday's theme is amusement park, Thursday's theme is the wild west and Friday's theme is beach day. Other attractions include hypnotist comedian John McVicar, multiple carnival games and a surfing machine. More information can be found @trumansab on social media and at
Luna Luna Concert
7 p.m. April 23
Luna Luna is a rising Latinx band from Dallas, Tx. Their music ranges from ballads of love to melodies describing the intricacies of time. Masks are required for all attendees and social distancing will be enforced.