Truman to Host Elementary and Middle School Math Contest

In conjunction with, Truman will host a Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics qualifying contest for elementary and middle school students on campus Feb. 25.
This contest is designed to be a learning experience. New problems are introduced at every contest, and students are allowed to keep their test questions and completed answer sheets. Solutions will be provided to all problems at the conclusion of the contest.
As the largest network of local and state math competitions at the elementary, middle and high school levels in the United States and abroad, runs more than 400 contests globally and reaches more than 30,000 students each year.
To register for the contest, complete the membership form for the student’s school at Once completed, registration for the Truman event can be done here.
There is a $10 per student registration fee. Payment can be made via credit or PayPal as part of the registrations process. Alternatively, payments can be made by check, made out to MCTM, and can either be mailed to Tony Vazzana, Department of Mathematics, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO 63501, or presented at check-in on contest day.
Lunch will be provided for student participants, compliments of the Truman Department of Mathematics.
The contest will take place in Violette Hall starting at 8:45 a.m., Feb. 25. Lunch begins at 11:45 a.m. with the awards ceremony at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Vazzana at or visit