Call for Abstracts for the Student Research Conference
The submission site for the 28th annual Student Research Conference is now open and abstracts can be submitted online until 11:59 p.m. Feb. 20.
Truman will host its annual Student Research Conference April 14. The conference is a University-wide celebration of student research, scholarship and creative achievements. Both undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit abstracts.
Abstracts should be submitted online at All abstracts need to be sponsored by a Truman faculty or staff member. A copy of the information submitted will be sent electronically to the student presenter’s mentor for approval. Students should work with the faculty mentor before submitting the abstract to minimize multiple drafts in the system.
In addition to the many student presentations, the day will feature a conference-wide plenary address delivered by Dr. Jeffrey M. Osborn, dean of the School of Science and professor of biology at The College of New Jersey. Osborn is a former professor and convener of biology at Truman, as well as a past-president of the Council on Undergraduate Research. Osborn is a plant evolutionary biologist, examining both fossil and living plants to understand questions in plant evolution.
Faculty-requested special sessions are included in the discipline options. Anyone planning to present in such a session should look for the specific discipline designation when submitting an abstract. Faculty members interested in requesting a discipline designation can contact Chad Montgomery by emailing Inquiries about the Student Research Conference sessions, guidelines and program should be directed to Montgomery.
For questions about and/or problems with the abstract submission process, contact Sherril Pearce at 660.785.4597 or