Truman Accountancy Ranked No. 1 in the Nation


According to a recent analysis, Truman ranks No. 1 for Certified Public Accountants (CPA) examination pass success among college accounting programs.

Researchers from Baylor University and the University of Northern Iowa used annual data released by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) to examine the data of 521 large and medium-sized accounting programs from 2019 and provided a top 40 for both categories, as well as overall. For this testing window, Truman ranked No. 1 overall with a CPA success index rating of 1.000. Truman’s 37 candidates passed 99 sections during the calendar year, which averages 2.67 sections per candidate. When the annual pass rate was adjusted to reflect the 18-month testing window, Truman’s success index of 1.000 was found.

Statistics showed that, on average, students across all universities only passed one section of the CPA exam on the first attempt, which resulted in an average success index of .397. Truman’s success index of 1.000 indicates that the University’s candidates can be expected to pass all four sections of the CPA exam within the testing window. The full article with the complete list of rankings can be found here.