Career and Grad School Week to See Changes

After receiving feedback from recruiters, students and faculty from the fall Career and Grad School Expo, the Career Center has modified the schedule for the spring.
The dates for Career Week are Feb. 26-March 2. Monday, the Career Center will sponsor Expo Bootcamp, a workshop that will teach students about networking, professional dress and resumes. Tuesday, the Career Center will host the Etiquette Dinner and SCORE Mock Interviews.
The Career and Grad School week will now feature two different expos, one on Wednesday devoted to graduate school programs and the other on Thursday for career and internship opportunities featuring employers from for-profit, non-profit and government agencies. The week will conclude with Interview Day on Friday.
The complete schedule of events can be found here. Comments, questions or concerns can be directed to Brandi Wriedt at or Victoria Soncasie at