Mike Ashcraft, a member of the department of philosophy and religion, published his new book, “A Historical Introduction to the Study of New Religious Movements.”
Samantha Carroll, a sophomore double major in psychology and justice systems, had her paper, titled “The Crime of Poverty: The Rise and Fall of the Workhouse from Elizabethan England to Kansas City, Missouri,” accepted for publication in Metamorphosis, the COPLAC undergraduate research journal. This paper will be presented at the 2018 Student Research Conference and the 2018 Iowa Human Rights Research Conference in Pella, Iowa. Upon publication, the paper can be found here.
Parker Arnall, Thanaphat Chananukul, Ben Collins, Joey Goldman and Tori Kleitz, members of Alpha Kappa Psi, created and presented a project as a part of the Alpha Kappa Psi National Case Competition Feb. 9 at the Principled Business Leadership Institute in Chicago. The team was prompted to create a business concept that addresses one or more of the 20 metrics for the United Nations’ Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In the end, the team decided to pitch a business that developed a mobile application or website that made charitable donations and volunteering easier for businesses and employees. Out of hundreds of submissions, theirs was chosen amongst 16 to advance to the next round. After presenting their business concept, they received second place, making them one of the top eight case competitors in the country.

Members of the Alpha Kappa Psi Case Competition team from left to right: Tori Kleitz, Joey Goldman, Thanaphat Chananukul and Parker Arnall.
Samantha Carroll, a sophomore double major in psychology and justice systems, had her paper, titled “The Crime of Poverty: The Rise and Fall of the Workhouse from Elizabethan England to Kansas City, Missouri,” accepted for publication in Metamorphosis, the COPLAC undergraduate research journal. This paper will be presented at the 2018 Student Research Conference and the 2018 Iowa Human Rights Research Conference in Pella, Iowa. Upon publication, the paper can be found here.
Parker Arnall, Thanaphat Chananukul, Ben Collins, Joey Goldman and Tori Kleitz, members of Alpha Kappa Psi, created and presented a project as a part of the Alpha Kappa Psi National Case Competition Feb. 9 at the Principled Business Leadership Institute in Chicago. The team was prompted to create a business concept that addresses one or more of the 20 metrics for the United Nations’ Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In the end, the team decided to pitch a business that developed a mobile application or website that made charitable donations and volunteering easier for businesses and employees. Out of hundreds of submissions, theirs was chosen amongst 16 to advance to the next round. After presenting their business concept, they received second place, making them one of the top eight case competitors in the country.

Members of the Alpha Kappa Psi Case Competition team from left to right: Tori Kleitz, Joey Goldman, Thanaphat Chananukul and Parker Arnall.