Nurses Recognized at Annual Ceremony

Nursing Department students in the class of 2013 received their nursing pin at a pre-commencement ceremony May 10 on campus. The pinning ceremony recognizes the graduating seniors’ successful completion of a rigorous academic and professional program. Pictured, first row, left to right: Lucy Polston, Briana Keller, Bethany Blattel, Jordan Grote, Jessica Greenwood, Kelly Schelich, Victoria Johnson, Bethany Kellermann and Emily Wolter. Second row, left to right: Danielle Stadter, Morgan Dobbie, Ashley Slawson, Courtney Brandt, Kaitlyn Polley, Emily Fahey, Sarah Ragsdale and Hannah Schulte. Third row, left to right: Laurel Bellamy, Courtney Oxandale, Sarah Vaughan, Taylor Chambers, Caitlin Hilterbrand, Taylor Frymire, Emilee Ludy, Lyndsey Redel, Rebekah Hall and Regan Noe. Fourth row, left to right: Erin McAndrews, Brooke Luebbering, Megan Howe, Catherine Fienup, Alycia Preston, Jessica Flieg, Rebecca Abernathy and Jessica Baker. Fifth row, left to right: Audrey Adams, Emily Garlock, Kyle Eggemeyer, Dalton Baker, Greg Taplin, Elizabeth Hoffman and Laurie Knopik. Not pictured: Rachel Luttbeg.