Homecoming Check Presentations

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Members of the Homecoming Committee present Vickie Grinde, Head Start Center supervisor, with a check for $1,000. The money was raised through the Penny Wars donations during Homecoming Week. Pictured above, left to right: Stacy Tucker-Potter, Homecoming adviser; Claire Hof, events coordinator; Danielle Noring, events coordinator; Makita Abraham, events coordinator; Vickie Grinde; Rachel Hanks, publicity chair; and Amy Currier, Homecoming adviser.

The committee also sold necklaces throughout the week and raised $619 for the African Hearts Community Organization, which is comprised of children who create and sell handmade jewelry to raise money for the underprivileged in Africa.  Another $3,000 for Baldwin Auditorium was raised through Lip Sync ticket sales. Pictured below, left to right, with checks for African Hearts and Baldwin Auditorium: Tucker-Potter, Currier, Noring, Abraham, Hof and Hanks.

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