Head to Toe Clothing Drive set for Dec. 1-5
Staff Council’s University and Community Relations Committee is sponsoring the “Head to Toe: Keeping Local Kids Warm” drive from Dec. 1-5 at various locations on campus.
People may donate hats, gloves or mittens, scarves and boots and place them in one of the boxes located in the Student Union Building, Career Center reception area, Pickler Memorial Library circulation desk, Physical Plant office, Barnett Hall lobby, McClain Hall lobby and McClain Hall 101 and 214.
Monetary donations can be given to Melissa Rodman in McClain Hall 104. The items will be given to local children in need of warm clothing.
People may donate hats, gloves or mittens, scarves and boots and place them in one of the boxes located in the Student Union Building, Career Center reception area, Pickler Memorial Library circulation desk, Physical Plant office, Barnett Hall lobby, McClain Hall lobby and McClain Hall 101 and 214.
Monetary donations can be given to Melissa Rodman in McClain Hall 104. The items will be given to local children in need of warm clothing.