Debaters Win Awards at William Jewell Contests

Members of the Truman Forensic Union made a strong beginning to the 2008-2009 speech and debate season with several awards at two tournaments held at William Jewell College in Liberty, Mo., Sept. 19-21.

The varsity parliamentary debate team of Mark Buchheit, a junior history major from Carthage, Mo., and Christopher Girouard, a senior communication and political science major from Chesterfield, Mo., participated in the Cardinal Classic Round Robin, an invitation-only competition among 10 of the nation’s top individual parliamentary debate teams. Buchheit and Girouard also reached the semifinals of the Georgia Bowman Invitational Sept. 21.

In the junior division of the invitational, Elizabeth Hatting, a freshman political science major from Omaha, Neb., and Stephen Gott, a freshman political science major from Liberty, Mo., reached the final round. Their teammates, Mehdi Zaidi, a sophomore economics major from Chesterfield, Mo., and Susan Presley, a junior communication major from Kirksville, Mo., reached the quarterfinals of the invitational.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debate division of the tournament, Gott, along with Christian Johns, freshman pre-secondary education major from Carthage, Mo., reached the octafinal round.

The team travels next to Bethel College in North Newton, Kan., for the “Sunflower-Sooner Swing,” Oct. 10-12, where the team will roll out its individual speaking events, along with several parliamentary teams. The Truman Forensic Union is open to interested students regardless of major or prior experience. Inquiries should be directed to Kevin Minch, associate professor of communication and the director of forensics, at 785.5677 or

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