University Continues Mental Health Outreach


Truman, in cooperation with the local community, continues to participate in the Be the Light campaign with the goal of developing understanding of mental health issues and providing support for individuals who experience them within the community. Initial activities planned include a University Counseling Services-sponsored QPR-athon and participation in Hospice of Northeast Missouri’s Suicide Awareness 5K Run/Walk.

QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training is a 1.25-hour program designed to train participants in recognizing the warning signs of suicide and intervening to help someone in crisis. Sessions will be offered Sept. 15 in the Student Union Building 3201. Individuals wishing to participate should sign up through the Human Resources program registration website. Class size at each training is limited to 30 participants.

QPR Training Sessions
9:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
2 p.m.
3:30 p.m.

Suicide Awareness 5K Run/Walk
The Suicide Awareness 5K Run/1.9 Mile Walk will take place at 8 a.m. Sept. 16 beginning at Alliant Bank, 201 S. Baltimore Street. Registration forms can be picked up on campus at University Counseling Services, as well as the hospice office, the Thompson Campus Center at ATSU or at Warehouse 660. Registration is $20 before Sept. 1, and $25 after Sept. 1. Registration includes a T-shirt.