Call for Papers for Philosophy and Religion Conference
Truman will host its 26th annual undergraduate Philosophy and Religion Conference from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 14 in the Student Union Building Alumni Room.
Submissions for the conference must be received by Oct. 12. Papers should be eight-12 pages in any area of philosophy or religious studies and should also include a cover sheet with name, institution, title of paper, address, email and phone number. Presentations must be approximately 30 minutes, including time for questions.
Papers may be submitted either as a hard copy or by email. If accepted, authors will provide a 100-word abstract by email. For more information or to submit a paper, contact David Murphy at or at the address below.
Undergraduate Philosophy & Religion Conference
Truman State University
100 East Normal Ave.
Kirksville, MO 63501
Attn: David Murphy