Truman Celebrates Donors with Tag Day
Truman will celebrate donations to the University Nov. 14 by tagging items across campus made possible by private gifts to the University.
The goal of Tag Day is not only to show appreciation to donors who have given back to the University but also to raise awareness on campus of how they impact day-to-day life at Truman. Thousands of alumni, faculty, staff, parents and friends of the University invest in Truman, to the benefit of the campus community. The University has more than 600 funds. Donors support a variety of causes across campus such as scholarships, athletics, fine arts and academic departments.
This year, individuals can share their gratitude by photographing tags and sharing on social media. The first 50 to share pictures on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram on Nov. 14 with #TrumanTagDay will win a free t-shirt. The Annual Fund will also be hosting a table 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Union Building to give people the chance to sign a larger-than-life thank you card to Truman donors.