School of Business Begins Forum Series

The School of Business will host its inaugural Tru-Biz Forum from 3:30-5 p.m. Feb. 23 in Violette Hall 1000.
The Tru-Biz Forum invites business leaders in a variety of fields to share their expertise and insights. The upcoming forum focuses on international business-related topics with renowned international business experts, including Dr. William Newburry (’87), Ryder Eminent Scholar of Global Business at Florida International University, and Ryan Murphy, CFO at Nidec Americas Holding Corporation. The event moderator will be Truman student Amanda Smith, international business and Spanish major.
Murphy is a native of Kirksville and established the Ryan Murphy Accounting Scholarship. He currently works at Nidec, a Japanese global company with about 300 subsidiaries across the world. He oversees all facets of the corporate tax, accounting and treasury functions and leads financial planning efforts surrounding complex corporate transactions.
Newburry is a chair of the Department of International Business and is also a non-resident senior research fellow at the Nanyang Business School Center for Emerging Markets and a fellow of the Academy of International Business. His research focuses on how multinational corporations manage and relate to subsidiaries and other local stakeholders when they invest in foreign countries, with a particular emphasis on reputation issues.
All students, faculty, staff and local business people are welcome for inspiration and learning with the renowned speakers. Networking will follow the forum. On Feb. 24, panelists will meet students and present to classes.