Dereck Daschke, professor of philosophy and religion, delivered his paper “The End of the World and the World to Come: What Apocalyptic Literature Says about the Time After the Endtime,” at the 28th Annual Klutznick-Harris-Schwalb Symposium Oct. 25 in Omaha, Neb. The theme of the symposium was “Olam ha-Zeh v’olam ha-Ba”: This World and the World to Come in Jewish Belief and Practice. Additionally, earlier this year, The Enoch Seminar published his book review of “Losing the Temple and Recovering the Future: An Analysis of 4 Ezra by Hindy Najman,” and last month the Journal of Religion and Film published his review of the film “You are your body/You are not your body,” produced and co-written by Truman alumnus Nick Toti.
Carol Marshall, professor of Spanish, has been awarded the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award by the Foreign Language Association of Missouri (FLAM). Marshall was honored at FLAM’s annual fall conference in Kansas City on Oct. 17. The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to an outstanding Missouri teacher who has devoted their professional career to the improvement of foreign language education. Marshall has devoted 42 years to teaching at university, high school and junior high levels. In addition she has devoted her time to help the Hispanic community in various states.
Kyung-Chun (Andrew) Mun, professor of finance, had his solely-authored paper, “Hedging Bank Market Risk with Futures and Forwards,” accepted for publication in the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, the journal of the Midwest Economics Association. In addition, he was recently appointed as an associate editorship of the Global Review of Accounting and Finance.
Barry Poyner, professor of communication, had a tribute, “Fond Memories of Dr. Loren Reid: Tribute to a Gentleman and Scholar,” published in the Journal of the Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri 45 (Fall 2015).
Truman was awarded an honorable mention through the Bicycle Friendly University Program as one of 127 universities in 42 states to have a campus catering to bicyclists. Truman was one of three institutions recognized in Missouri.