Make a COVID-Smart Plan for Break


During their weekly meeting, members of the Faculty Senate COVID-19 Working Group, Nancy Daley-Moore, Scott Alberts and Christine Harker, recently discussed cases on campus and in the community, as well as making a plan for spring break.

Case numbers related to Truman decreased for the week of Feb. 16, and numbers in the county have also slowed, but the group warned this could potentially be an artificial decline if exposed individuals are not getting tested. Everyone should continue to wear a mask, wash their hands and maintain a social distance. They should also consider getting vaccinated when they have the opportunity.

Students and employees are also encouraged to start making a plan for spring break the week of March 8. Anyone who chooses to travel during that time should consider getting a test prior to their departure and return, and they should plan for time to quarantine before and after their trip. Students returning home should work with their family for a plan while they are visiting, and faculty members might want to consider virtual options before and after break to allow for their students to quarantine until they know they do not pose a risk to others.

A recording of their conversation can be found here.
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