Betty L. McLane-Iles, professor of French, presented her study “Christiane Taubira and Her Contributions to Diversity and Justice: An Overall Appraisal” at the Global and European Studies Conference in Omaha, Neb., Oct. 6, 2017. The study has recently been published in the 2017 edition of the European Studies Conference Selected Proceedings, a peer-reviewed yearly publication. Over the years, McLane-Iles interviewed French women political figures, in particular Christiane Taubira, a major figure of European politics, former French députée (representative) of the French National Assembly from Guyana and former French Minister of Justice and Garde des Sceaux (attorney general). Taubira was responsible for the 2002 French slave reparations legislation, France’s 2013 same sex marriage legislation and the 2014 legislative reform of the French penal system. Her work and writings are studied in McLane-Iles’ course on Francophone Women Writers 401 and are one of her continual subjects of study.