Alumna to Give SRC Plenary Address

The Student Research Conference will feature Dr. Sonia Arteaga as the plenary speaker, April 21.
After earning a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and Spanish from Truman, Arteaga received her Ph.D. in community-social/behavioral medicine psychology from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Since graduation she has published nearly 50 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, has presented at several scientific conferences and has received numerous awards from National Institutes of Health (NIH) for her scientific contributions. At the NIH, Arteaga has developed and led several large research initiatives related to behavioral, social, community and policy factors that impact health behaviors and obesity with a special emphasis on diverse populations.
Arteaga is currently is a supervisory health scientist administrator in the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program in the office of the director at the NIH. ECHO is a seven-year research program whose mission is to enhance the health of children for generations to come.
Arteaga’s presentation, “Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program at the National Institutes of Health: A nationwide children’s health research program,” will take place from 12-1 p.m. April 21 via Zoom. Those interested can go to Magruder Hall 2001 for a live showing or join via Zoom.
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