Virtual Research Competition Open to All Graduate Students

Truman’s third annual Three-Minute Thesis Competition will take place Feb. 27, providing students an opportunity to highlight their graduate-level research.
For the competition, participants will create a single slide that conveys their study. They will then have three minutes to discuss their research and its importance. Any original graduate research qualifies. It can be a scientific study, a discussion on a student’s creative writing adventure or musical composition. Current graduate students cannot submit research completed as an undergraduate.
Due to the pandemic, the local and regional competitions are virtual. Students will record a three-minute presentation following the guidelines set forth by Queensland University. They will also need an introductory slide that will includes their name, title of presentation, faculty member and department. The single research slide appears right after, and as soon as the student starts speaking, the timer begins.
The first-place prize is $75, with second place earning $50. The winner of the competition is then eligible to compete in the regional Midwest Association of Graduate Studies competition.
Registration can be completed at Truman’s Three-Minute Thesis Competition website. The deadline for submitting a video is Feb. 24. The previous system for judging requires updating due to the virtual format. Final details will be provided when they are available. For more information, contact Julia Edgar, associate professor of communication disorders at