22nd Annual Philosophy and Religion Conference
Nov. 12
9 a.m.
Student Union Building Alumni Room
Students from Truman and several other colleges and universities in the Midwest will present papers on topics in philosophy and religious studies. The conference will include a free lunch open to the public at 12 p.m. in the Student Union Building Activities Room. Keynote speaker will be noted New Testament scholar, Robert Jewett, from Heidelberg University presenting “Jesus, Captain America and Barack Obama and the Superhero Myth in Contemporary America.”
9 a.m.
Student Union Building Alumni Room
Students from Truman and several other colleges and universities in the Midwest will present papers on topics in philosophy and religious studies. The conference will include a free lunch open to the public at 12 p.m. in the Student Union Building Activities Room. Keynote speaker will be noted New Testament scholar, Robert Jewett, from Heidelberg University presenting “Jesus, Captain America and Barack Obama and the Superhero Myth in Contemporary America.”