METS Week Trivia Competition Winners
Members from both the student and faculty winning teams show off the trophy following the Science and Mathematics Trivia contest. Gov. Jay Nixon designated the first week of March as Mathematics, Engineering, Technology and Science Week (METS Week) in the state of Missouri. The intent is to increase awareness and community interest in mathematics, engineering, technology and science programs and to promote METS careers statewide in order to advance Missouri’s workforce. As part of METS Week, members of the Truman community participated in the Science and Mathematics Trivia contest March 3. The student team Halmos Bar and the faculty team PIGS won their respective divisions. Pictured, from left, Angela Page (student), Martin DiStefano (student), Phil Ryan (faculty), Ian Lindevald (faculty), Glenn Wehner (faculty), Karen Smith (faculty), Matt Kiblinger (student) and Breanna Daniels (student).