Student Engagement Survey to be Emailed to Students

Students may receive an email survey from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), addresses from “Sue Thomas, President <>.”

First year students, not necessarily freshmen by credits, and seniors, must have been senior status in the fall, should receive an invitation to participate. The email contains a unique link for the survey. Those that didn’t receive an email can request their link from or visit and click on “Don’t know your login ID?” Students can use their Truman email address on the next page to access the survey.

The message in the email will read:

It is important to me, the administration, faculty and staff, that you can make the most of your time at Truman so you are best prepared to achieve your goals and dreams when you graduate. Results from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) will give us students’ perspectives of the Truman experience, including academics, learning with peers, experiences with faculty and campus life. By completing the NSSE Survey, you will provide invaluable insights that will inform what Truman does now and in the future. Knowing what you think is essential, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

All the best,
President Sue Thomas
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