Bookstore’s First Day Complete Program Projected to Lower Costs for Students

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Beginning this fall, the University Bookstore’s First Day Complete program will take effect, simplifying the textbook process and lowering costs for students.
First Day Complete uses course schedules, faculty feedback and registration data to predetermine quantities of course materials needed. Students are automatically enrolled in the program and can receive all their textbooks and other course materials at the current rate of $22 per credit hour. Students also have the ability to opt out of the program and purchase materials on a course-by-course basis from whatever retailer they choose.
“This program is easy to use and consistently provides savings for most students,” said Tyana Lange, vice president of student engagement, enrollment and marketing. “Our priority is to give students the most cost-effective option possible for their course materials.”
The University Bookstore is operated by Barnes & Noble College, a network of more than 1,400 school stores. Barnes & Noble College estimates the program saves students on average between 35-50% each semester.
All enrolled students will receive an email in July regarding their course materials for the fall semester. From the email, students will be prompted to go to the Barnes & Noble College website where they will either select their delivery method through First Day Complete or choose to opt-out. The website will also provide a cost savings analysis to help students make an informed decision. For the fall 2025 semester, the opt-out window will open July 15 and close Aug. 27.
Any changes to their schedules made by students during the summer will automatically be updated through First Day Complete. There is also a grace period at the start of each semester for students who may add or drop classes.
Participation in First Day Complete includes all materials, whether they be physical or digital copies. Materials can be delivered directly to the student, or they can be picked up in person at the University Bookstore.
Non-degree seeking students – typically high school students participating in dual enrollment or those enrolled in community courses – are not eligible for the program. Students participating in study abroad are also not eligible for the program in the semesters they are away from campus.  
More information about First Day complete, including an FAQ section, can be found at
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