Computer Science Colloquium Explores Cancer Research


The Computer Science Colloquium event, “Cancer Genomics and Bioinformatics: Using Computational Methods to Better Understand and Treat Tumors,” with alumnus Christopher Miller, will take place from 12:30-1:20 p.m. Nov. 3 in Violette Hall 1236.

Miller is an associate professor in the division of oncology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis where his focus is on developing and applying computational tools to provide insight into the origins and progression of cancer. He earned bachelor’s degrees in biology and computer science from Truman and his Ph.D. in computational biology from Baylor College of Medicine.

Miller’s core research interests include understanding the clonal architecture of tumors and how they evolve in response to therapy, with a special focus on hematologic cancers. He also studies effective design and targeting of cancer immunotherapies, developing open-source software for interpreting and visualizing genomic data, and integrative analysis that translates multi-dimensional genomic data into both functional and actionable contexts.

All students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend Miller’s talk, especially those interested in computer science, biology, health, statistics, data science and/or bioinformatics. Light refreshments will be available.
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