ITS “Tech Bytes” Explores Campus Email


Starting in this issue, Information and Technology Services will share weekly “Tech Bytes” in the Truman Today focusing on some aspect of campus technology.

This fall, Outlook 365 was selected as the University’s new email platform. Outlook 365 is a cloud-based service that offers a number of advantages over traditional email, including: increased security and reliability; more storage space; better collaboration tools; and a modern, user-friendly interface.

All current faculty, staff and students have migrated to Outlook 365, with former students and retirees remaining on Truman’s Gmail system.

Outlook 365 has an intuitive featured called the focused inbox. Outlook automatically sorts emails into two tabs: Focused and Other. The Focused tab contains emails that Outlook considers to be important, while the Other tab contains all other emails. Users who would prefer to see all their emails in one inbox can turn this feature off by clicking on the view tab and unchecking “show focused inbox” in the Reading Pane group.

Conversation threads are also the default setting in Outlook 365. This can be helpful for keeping track of email conversations, but if users would like the traditional inbox, threads can be turned off by clicking the view tab and unchecking “show as conversations” in the Arrangement group.

Users can easily set up email on a phone, and there is also a desktop version. Questions for using Outlook 365 can be directed to the IT Help Desk or by checking out the FAQ section on the ITS website.

Outlook 365 is highly customizable with options for color coding emails, personalizing fonts and creating custom views. As new users get started, here are the top ten helpful customization tips:

Customize the Inbox. Users can change the way their inbox looks and works by adjusting the view settings. For example, choose to show or hide the preview pane, or change the order of the columns.

Create Folders. Folders help organize emails so they are easy to find. Create folders for different projects, classes or topics.

Use Filters. Filters help automatically sort emails into different folders based on criteria such as sender, recipient or subject line.

Create Rules. Rules allow users to automatically take action on emails, such as moving them to a folder, forwarding them to someone else or deleting them.

Use the Search Bar. The search bar is a powerful tool to find emails quickly and easily. Search for emails by sender, recipient, subject line or any other keyword.

Set Up Automatic Replies. Automatic replies let others know when users are out of the office or not available to respond to emails immediately.

Use the Snooze Feature. The snooze feature allows users to temporarily defer an email and come back to it later.

Use the Task Pane. The task pane is a great way to keep track of tasks and deadlines. Add emails to the task pane and Outlook will automatically remind users when they are due.

Use the People View. The People view is a great way to keep track of contacts. Add notes to contacts and see their social media profiles.

Use the Calendar. The calendar helps keep track of appointments and events, share a calendar with others and create recurring events.
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