Marathon Training Offered as New Course

Students who enjoy running and want to participate in a marathon or half-marathon will now have an opportunity to train for one while receiving academic credit.

In the spring semester, the course ES 375, Section 02, Independent Study: Marathon Training will be offered for the first time. The purpose of the two-credit-hour course is to help students develop the strength and endurance to participate in a long-distance running event, and to foster an understanding of the importance of goal setting and the psychological aspects of competing in an endurance event.

Multiple aspects of long-distance running will be addressed, including; training principles, the history of the marathon, physiology, injury prevention, sports nutrition, environmental adaptations, the level of preparation necessary to successfully complete a marathon, goal setting and evaluation performance.

The class will provide a unique opportunity to apply these principles in the actual running or walking of a marathon or half-marathon event for students who wish to participate. Completing the full or half-marathon does not determine the course grade. Questions can be directed to Jana Arabas at or Janet Gooch at

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