Alumni Rebecca Ohmer (’17) and Travis Rolstead (’17) presented papers at the Missouri Conference on History in Jefferson City March 16. Ohmer, who is currently completing an MAE degree at Truman, delivered a presentation entitled “The ‘Attentive Superintendent’: Harry H. Laughlin’s Leadership of the Kirksville Public School System, 1905–1907.” She was able to complete her research for this paper with a grant from the Office of Student Research. Rolstead’s paper, “‘Backward and Diseased’: American Newspapers’ Perceptions of Arabs and Muslims, 1945–1950,” was an outgrowth of research conducted on the TruScholars Program in the summer of 2017. Both papers formed part of a panel entitled “Identity Formation and Projection in Historical Perspective,” which was chaired by Jason McDonald of the Department of History.

Travis Rolstead, Rebecca Ohmer and Jason McDonald, pictured from left to right, attend the Missouri Conference on History in Jefferson City.

Travis Rolstead, Rebecca Ohmer and Jason McDonald, pictured from left to right, attend the Missouri Conference on History in Jefferson City.