On-Demand Training & Tutorials Come to Truman

In a time when one needs information and new skill sets on the spot, Truman has partnered with a web-based provider of on-demand training and tutorials which cover topics as varied as "Excel 2013 - Pivot Tables Training" to style guides in "APA Research Paper Basics" to  image editing in "GIMP 2.8" to self-care topics in 'Nutrition, Movement, and Emotional Wellbeing". 

Hoonuit (formerly known as Atomic Learning) provides a catalog of tens of thousands of targeted training videos that are curated for quality, variety, and skill levels ranging from beginner to advanced.  The topics are aimed at multiple audiences - so we think there will be useful resources for faculty, staff, and students.  The resources can be browsed by broad topics and categories, or there are advanced search tools and filters to help one find exactly what is needed.

We hope that the resources in Hoonuit can be used for self-development and also as classroom support as needed.  An instructor teaching graphic design for instance, may want to provide background resources in specific software such as Adobe Illustrator to improve outcomes for students that may come in with vastly different preparation experience.  Supervisors may want to provide staff with resources on using Outlook to better handle complex scheduling issues.

Truman faculty, staff, and students can access the complete Hoonuit training catalog by visiting http://hoonuit.truman.edu from any location / any device with an Internet connection and their Truman log-in credentials. For information about how to incorporate these resources into a course contact the Learning Technologies Team at ltt@truman.edu

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