Printmaking Display Now At Pickler Library Café
The coffee shop exhibit area, located on the first floor of Pickler Memorial Library, is currently displaying an exhibition of art by printmaking students until May 4.
Each student selected their works, chosen from a variety of projects utilizing a number of traditional and contemporary printmaking techniques. Exhibited examples include relief, intaglio, planographic and serigraphic methods of fine arts printed imagery.
Printmaking courses build on the fundamental drawing and design principles acquired in the foundations courses taught in the Art Department and integrate an advanced appreciation of material qualities, such as ink manufacture and paper fiber selection. The combination of skills and materials is synthesized with thematic and conceptual content to culminate in the more than 50 works available for viewing in the library’s display spaces.
In addition to the making of the art works, each participant showcases their images with professional examples of presentation styles executed with aesthetic and craft skills acquired during the semester. Traditional and contemporary methods of display enhance the viewers’ experience of the students’ creative efforts.
Anyone wishing to learn more is invited to contact Jim Jereb, any of the students whose work is displayed, or to stop by the printmaking studio, located in Ophelia Parrish 2260.