Daniel Mandell, professor of history, received the 2016 award for Distinguished Literary Achievement by the Missouri Humanities Council in recognition of his many books and articles on Native Americans in New England between 1600 and 1900.
Amber Johnson, professor of anthropology, and student Sarah Lamkin attended the Society for American Archaeology meetings in Orlando, Fla., April 7-9, where they participated in a poster session organized by Johnson. Anthropology students Luke Edwards, Johnson, Lamkin and Kayleigh Mrasek co-authored a poster “How to Build an Input File for Binford’s Frames of Reference from Existing Data Sources.” Johnson, Lamkin and Elizabeth Pintar co-authored “Using Binford’s Frames of Reference to Model Hunter-Gatherer Mobility and Group Size in the Andean Puna.” Edwards, Robert Hitchcock and Johnson co-authored “Macroecological Analysis of Recent Kalahari Site Structure.” Johnson was also listed as an author on an additional three posters.
Students Christina Jones, Callie Templeton and Madison Kusmec received the Outstanding Undergraduate Technical Session award for their presentation "Comparison of Effects of Yoga and Straw-Phonation on Voice Quality" at the 57th Annual MSHA Convention. Their research mentor was Julia Edgar.