Truman Forensics Earns Multiple Awards at Tournament
Truman’s Forensic Union brought home 12 awards from the 18th annual Gorlock Gala tournament this weekend.
The tournament, hosted by Webster University, was attended by 42 schools with more than 600 entries total. In open/varsity Lincoln-Douglas debate, freshman Johnathan Christy and senior Dillon Laaker both made it to elimination rounds and were honored as octofinalists. Out of a crowded field of 58, freshman Jack Eames placed 15th and sophomore Connor Stewart placed 13th for speaking excellence in debate. Laaker was also awarded eighth place for speaking excellence in debate in addition to his octofinalist award.
Truman also had a great showing in individual events speech. Freshman Jonathan Rogers received an excellence award for extemporaneous speaking, given to students in the top 30 percent of their event who did not advance to elimination rounds. Sophomore Brian Kantanka also received an excellence award in poetry interpretation. Johnathan Christy advanced to semifinals of extemporaneous speaking, where he was also recognized as the top novice in the field. Other semifinalists included sophomore Grace Malinee in prose interpretation and junior Adrien Zambrano in impromptu speaking. Laaker advanced to the final round of extemporaneous speaking, where he placed sixth. Finally, Kantanka was also a finalist in dramatic interpretation and took first place.
With a great start to their semester, the team now prepares for their state championship tournament, sponsored by the Missouri Association of Forensic Activities. The tournament will once again be hosted by Webster University, Feb. 19-20.
Participation in the forensics program is open to any Truman student in good standing, regardless of prior speech and debate experience. For more information on how to get involved, visit, contact Christopher Outzen, director of forensics, or contact Craig Hennigan, assistant director of forensics.