Celebrate Constitution Day

Celebrating Constitution Day is important as it is one of the most influential documents in American History. This document is the framework of the government and establishes the rights and freedoms citizens enjoy today.
Truman will host a presentation led by the Civic Engagement Committee from 1-2 p.m. in the Student Union Building 3202. Light refreshments and pocket copies of the Constitution will be available for attendees. Free pocket Constitutions, and cookies, will be available at the Student Union Building Information Desk from 2-5 p.m. Sept. 18.
For those unavailable to attend the presentation, these YouTube videos may be helpful:
Women’s Fight for Equality and the 19th Amendment
First Amendment - A celebration of African American history and the First Amendment
Civil Rights Movement
Why Have Civil Dialogue?
Walkthrough of the Constitution
Voting Rights
A Conversation on the Constitution: Freedom of Speech