Academic Affairs Sponsors Campus Think Tank

Academic Affairs will host TruSolutions regarding campus climate from 7-9 p.m. Oct. 12 in the Student Union Building Georgian Room.
TruSolutions is a solution-focused think tank open to any Truman community member who wishes to collaborate about campus improvement initiatives. There will be three sub-topics of campus climates to be discussed, including: health and well-being; advising; and diversity and inclusion.
Each topic will be discussed in three mini-sessions to allow everyone a chance to contribute. Participants will have the opportunity to work in a small group with other Truman students, faculty, staff and administrators to develop improvement initiatives relevant to the climate sub-topic. Zac Burden, coordinator for residence life, student life and development, will be the moderator and will guide the groups throughout the night.
After the event is over, Academic Affairs plans to work with other departments and committees to move forward with ideas generated at TruSolutions and plan to host this event on an annual basis. RSVP is required and can be found here.