DSP Earns National Praise
The Iota Nu Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi (DSP), a professional business fraternity on Truman’s campus, was nationally recognized for their achievements during the 2019-2020 school.
Delta Sigma Pi received the R. Nelson Mitchell Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award and the Outstanding Alumni Relations Award for a Collegiate Chapter. Debra Cartwright was honored with the Chapter Advisor of the Year Award.
The R. Nelson Mitchell Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award is presented on an annual basis to the chapter of Delta Sigma Pi which best promotes the aims and ideals of the fraternity through its actions and activities. This award is the highest honor a collegiate chapter can receive.
The Outstanding Alumni Relations Award for a Collegiate Chapter is presented to the chapter that most thoroughly integrates alumni relations into their operations and prioritizes connecting with alumni.
The Chapter Advisor of the Year Award recognizes an advisor who serves as an example to the chapter and is a constant advocate of Delta Sigma Pi to the University. They give freely of their time and energy to brothers and regularly attend chapter and executive committee meetings. They uphold the standards of what it means to be a Deltasig and share their passion of the fraternity with others. Debra Cartwright received this award because of her dedication and commitment to the Iota Nu Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi.
Find more information about the awards at deltasigmapi.org/about/awards-recognition/2019-2020-award-winners.