Grothe Receives Director’s Award for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Research

Claire Grothe (left) receives the Director’s Award for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Research from Sara Orel, professor of art, recently in Ophelia Parrish.
Claire Grothe, a senior history major from St. Louis, Mo., received the Director’s Award for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Research for the spring 2007 semester.
The title of the award-winning paper is “From Glory to Devastation: Artistic Depictions of Nasser’s Egypt, 1952-1974”. Grothe wrote the paper in her Cultural Crossroads: Cairo JINS class, taught by Sara Orel, professor of art. The paper details the changing attitudes of the artistic community toward the Nasser regime.
Grothe is the daughter of Jim and Beth Grothe. She is currently a member of Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Alpha Theta and the Truman State University Historical Society. Grothe also volunteers at the Still National Osteopathic Museum at A.T. Still University.