Physics Collquium
Eric Patterson, associate professor of chemistry, will speak on the topic of “Chemistry in Silico: Understanding Chemical Reaction via Schrödinger and Newton.”
4:30 p.m.
Jan. 31
Magruder Hall 1098
Any effort to understand bond breaking or forming processes from a theoretical point of view must rely upon quantum mechanics. Patterson will explain methods of studying this process and provide examples of how chemists use physics to better understand chemical reactions. This is an intermediate-level topic.
Refreshments will be provided at 4:20 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Jan. 31
Magruder Hall 1098
Any effort to understand bond breaking or forming processes from a theoretical point of view must rely upon quantum mechanics. Patterson will explain methods of studying this process and provide examples of how chemists use physics to better understand chemical reactions. This is an intermediate-level topic.
Refreshments will be provided at 4:20 p.m.