Community-Wide Beautification Event Looks to "Make Kirksville Shine"

Kirksville’s City Council has signed a proclamation recognizing Aug. 2, 2014, and the week leading up to it, as a community-wide beautification effort known as “Make Kirksville Shine.”

In preparation for the newest community members–Truman State University and A.T. Still University students, their guests and other visitors–Kirksville residents and business owners are encouraged to demonstrate their community pride by beautifying and cleaning up their respective properties and surrounding area (e.g. mowing, removing weeds, picking up trash, etc.)

In an effort to focus on primary areas and streets, there will be two organized efforts on Aug. 2 in which community volunteers are being encouraged to participate. Volunteers will be provided with work gloves and trash bags courtesy of Ameren and the City of Kirksville but are encouraged to bring their own tools, including brooms, clippers, rakes, etc., if possible. For those who are not able to participate Aug. 2, community members are encouraged to use the days leading up to Aug. 2 to clean up their areas.  

Downtown Clean Up
8 a.m.  
Volunteers are asked to assemble at 202 E. Washington
Contacts: Carol Kellum or Virginia Halterman

City Street/Sidewalk Clean Up
8 a.m.
Volunteers are asked to meet at the parking lot located at the corner of Franklin and Normal
Contacts: Annette Sweet, Sandra Williams and Heidi Templeton
Campus Clean Up
In conjunction with the Aug. 2 Community wide clean up, Truman faculty and staff are encouraged to use the afternoon of Aug. 1 to pick up trash inside and outside their buildings as well as pulling any obvious weeds outside their building. Our grounds crew does an amazing job of keeping our campus looking beautiful, but they oversee 180 acres so any extra help in picking up trash and pulling obvious weeds is appreciated. 

For additional information or questions regarding the event, email
