Smoking Policy Change Effective Aug. 1
On Dec. 4, 2010, the Code of Policies of the Board of Governors was amended to prohibit smoking within 25 feet of any building on campus property. This policy change goes into effect Aug. 1.
Policy already prohibits the use of tobacco in buildings and vehicles owned and controlled by the University. Members of the campus community share the responsibility of adhering to and enforcing this policy. The campus community also has the responsibility of bringing this policy to the attention of visitors. Complaints and concerns should be brought to the attention of the appropriate department or supervisor.
Policy already prohibits the use of tobacco in buildings and vehicles owned and controlled by the University. Members of the campus community share the responsibility of adhering to and enforcing this policy. The campus community also has the responsibility of bringing this policy to the attention of visitors. Complaints and concerns should be brought to the attention of the appropriate department or supervisor.