Two Senior Students Lay Groundwork for Annual Communication Showcase Event

What started as part of a class project proposal by two public communication seniors has expanded into a one-of-a-kind opportunity for their peers.

Kelly Fox and Amanda Goeser, coordinators of the Communication Showcase, developed the idea for an event which invited older students to share their completed work and encouraged younger students to peruse it.

One mission of the event is to keep the project organic, meaning that students drive the planning, submissions and attendance.

“We like to think of it as being of, for and by the students,” Fox said. “Students are fundamental to the success of the event.”

The Communication Showcase covers the three communication concentrations: communication studies, journalism and public communication. Additionally, three aspects of the communication department will be highlighted: academic work, student media and communication organizations.

“As wide and as diverse as communication is, we wanted this event to unite the department,” Goeser said. “We’d like to see our efforts become a Truman Communication legacy.”

Submitted student work ranges from articles for Russian media, a persuasive campaign for the Downtown Grocery Store, an ad campaign with a 30-second student-produced commercial and a rhetorical criticism of rock music.

Communication student Amy Lehnhoff explained, “My group decided to get involved in the Communication Showcase as a way to share our enthusiasm for and lessons learned from our project with the Truman Communication community.”

The Communication Showcase will take place at 6 p.m. April 16 in the Student Union Building. For more information, visit

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