McNair Scholars Present Research at Conference
Nine McNair Scholars traveled to Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 25-27 to present their research at the 13th Annual Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska McNair Heartland Research Conference.

Truman McNair Scholars at the Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska McNair Heartland Research Conference in Kansas City, Mo.
The conference program included individual student research presentations, a graduate school recruitment fair and speakers who provided useful information about application to, and strategies for success in, graduate school.
Kia (Hartfield) Johnson, Truman McNair alumna, was invited to be the keynote speaker at the conference. Recently, Johnson was awarded both the MO-KAN-NE and MAEOPP 2009 TRIO Achiever Awards for recognition of her civic and professional contributions.
Truman McNair Alumna Laura Casey was awarded the MKN Heartland Scholarship, which is given to a past presenter who is currently enrolled in graduate school. Laura is a second-year student in the political science doctoral program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

Truman McNair Scholars at the Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska McNair Heartland Research Conference in Kansas City, Mo.
Kia (Hartfield) Johnson, Truman McNair alumna, was invited to be the keynote speaker at the conference. Recently, Johnson was awarded both the MO-KAN-NE and MAEOPP 2009 TRIO Achiever Awards for recognition of her civic and professional contributions.
Truman McNair Alumna Laura Casey was awarded the MKN Heartland Scholarship, which is given to a past presenter who is currently enrolled in graduate school. Laura is a second-year student in the political science doctoral program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.