New Scholarship Supports Northeast Missouri Students
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Students from northeast Missouri planning to attend Truman this fall can receive up to $2,000 from a newly created scholarship.
The Northeast Missouri Scholarship will be awarded to new students from Adair, Putnam, Schuyler, Scotland, Knox, Macon, Linn and Sullivan counties this fall. It provides $2,000 for students living on campus. Students from the area not living on campus can still receive $1,000.
“This scholarship was created in celebration of the region we call home,” said Allison Schweizer, director of admission. “Truman is committed to empowering northeast Missouri students and investing in their future success.”
All new admitted Truman students from the eight northeast Missouri counties are automatically eligible for the scholarship, which is renewable each year the student attends. No additional application is required. Transfer students who meet certain criteria and hail from the applicable counties may also be eligible to receive the award. More information about the Northeast Missouri Scholarship can be found at