McNair Scholars Attend Heartland Research Conference

Sixteen McNair Scholars attended the MKN Heartland McNair Research Conference with approximately 200 other McNair Scholars from programs across the United States, Sept. 20-22 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Thirteen students gave oral presentations on original, independent, faculty-mentored research projects that are required of every student in the program. They also enjoyed a pre-conference session on publishing academic research, a graduate school fair with 60 program representatives, four concurrent sessions of student oral presentations and three keynote speakers that addressed strategies for success in graduate school.
Along with Jeremy Freese, McNair programming specialist and conference co-chair, the student delegates were joined by Vanessa Alexander, director of the Center for Diversity & Inclusion and a former Truman McNair Scholar, and Albien Rafael Tubongbanua, associate professor of nursing and a McNair faculty mentor.