TechByte: Cyber Security Update

The world is constantly inundated with news on the latest cyberattacks and data breaches, so it is important to continuously pay attention to foundational measures surrounding basic security hygiene, as these methods still protect against 98% of attacks.

Multifactor authentication (MFA) and modern anti-malware solutions are several tools Truman uses to maintain good security hygiene. It was mentioned in the last Truman Today that Truman would be consolidating security software on windows workstations, utilizing the SentinelOne software for anti-virus and anti-malware detection, and this conversion is for all intents and purposes complete.

There are other changes in progress as well.

Just as rules have tightened up around malware, SPAM email and known phishing attempts on the campus network, rules regarding system access are also being tightened. As the system access rules are being honed, there could be times when legitimate access is affected. ITS will do their best to minimize any unintended consequences of these configuration changes, but access to some systems may be temporarily affected in the course of tuning security parameters.

Also, due to new requirements regarding Financial Aid, there are a few more changes under way.  One of the new requirements is annual security awareness training for employees. While some employees were required to take this training previously, this requirement is now being extended to everyone. The rollout for the security awareness training is planned for the spring semester, and more information will be available when the training is ready to launch.
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