ITS Performs Winter Upgrades

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During winter break, several technology upgrades and maintenance were completed by Truman’s Information Technology Service team.

ITS staff visited nearly 150 classrooms to perform routine preventative maintenance. Approximately 113 classroom console machines were upgraded with a new system or new disk. Updates were made and are currently being tested for the Timeclock system, the Apple device management system and financial aid and tax regulatory updates.  In addition, the main campus website was updated and is now in use.

Security patches were successfully updated on the W and Y drives, and ITS will continue to monitor future security patches that might affect access to the shared drives. Appropriate systems were updated with new security certificates, ensuring secure access to Truman websites and services.

Several changes were also made to Truman’s email and SPAM configurations to reduce the number of locations where email might be quarantined for review, but it is still an industry best practice to regularly check “junk” and “other” email folders. Those authorized to send Truman distribution lists and student distribution lists can do so through their Microsoft account rather than using Google.

For those who traveled outside of the country during break, if arrangements were not already made ahead of time, it is important to contact the IT Service Center at 660.785.4544 to ensure continued use of email while on the Truman campus.

The ITS Service Center offers many technical resources and assistance. Anyone having technical difficulties or needing additional technological services can call 660.785.4544 to contact the Help Desk, submit an online work request or visit the IT Service Center located in Pickler Memorial Library 203. Visit for more information.
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