Special “Tea Time” Explores Christmas Movies and Academic Reorg

University President Sue Thomas recently recorded a bonus episode of “Tea Time with Sue” addressing a variety of topics from the academic reorganization to whether or not “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie.

Among a handful of worthy candidates, Thomas cited the 1974 stop-motion television special “The Year Without a Santa Claus” as her favorite Christmas program of all time. She even claims to know all the words to classic numbers from the special, including “The Heat Miser Song.”

In response to more Truman-specific questions, Thomas provided updates on the Greenwood Interprofessional Autism Center and the Kirk Building project. With regard to the upcoming academic reorganization, she noted, from the student perspective, there will be no changes to any programs, majors or requirements for graduation. Thomas believes the reorganization will provide some administrative efficiencies, and that bringing together certain programs under the same departments or schools should create a more dynamic synergy in terms of academics.

The entire bonus episode of “Tea Time with Sue” can be found on the Truman YouTube channel, and selections will be posted on social media. In the spring semester, “Tea Time with Sue” will return with some interactive competitions. Follow Truman’s Instagram for details as they become available.