Website to Host Information for Fall

With the COVID-19 pandemic causing more questions than usual about the fall semester, the University created specifically to provide updates for students, families, faculty and staff.
Truman will conduct classes in the fall. The goal at this point is to resume in-person classes, following all of the appropriate safety guidelines. Since the pandemic is a developing situation, the University is preparing for multiple scenarios and will be ready to make any necessary adjustments should the need arise.
Specific details on the fall semester are expected to be announced by mid-June. All communications regarding Truman’s return to campus will be posted on the fall 2020 webpage and emailed directly to enrolled students. The page is also easily accessible directly from the homepage.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University had been posting all relevant information on the emergency site While that page still has links to fall updates and previous coronavirus messaging, it has primarily returned to an emergency information source.
A page specific to COVID-19 updates can now be found at
Truman’s highest priority for returning to in-person classes is the safety and well-being of the entire campus community. All appropriate guidelines will be followed to reduce the risk of exposure and contraction of COVID-19 for students, faculty and staff.